Speech Therapy App That will Leave you…Speechless

Speech Therapy App That will Leave you…Speechless

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As a young child, I had trouble with my pronunciation of certain sounds in words. “Shh” and “chhh” noises were just impossible for me to learn. Needless to say, being a 5-year-old who loved “school” and “chicken” nuggets but only being able to say I loved “going to shool and eating sicken nuggets” was a huge struggle. Until I learned proper pronunciation after a few visits with a speech therapist, I wished I had a magic machine I could have talked into that would enable me to speak correctly. In my childhood, such a device was thought of as some kind of “Star Trek” science-fiction machine.

…but actually, it’s no longer such a far-fetched idea. Today we have technology that wasn’t even fathomable when I was a child that helps, and currently aids, developmental speech. In fact, these days kids, as well as adults with speech issues, have opportunities to help learn pronunciation, sound techniques, vocal movements or even other languages from mobile devices. While there are many apps on the market, one speech therapy app is revolutionizing the way we learn our native language. Perhaps the most innovative tech tool for helping people with speech and language issues is in the process of being released worldwide.

Voiceitt: The Speech Therapy Revolution

Voiceitt is all some people can TALK about these days. If you haven’t seen this speech therapy app yet, it’s time to HEAR all about it:

The Latest Speech Therapy App

1.5 percent of people in western culture have speech difficulties ranging from babbling babies with indistinct language to disabled individuals battling a hard-to-decipher speaking voice. Voiceitt is the revolutionary application that allows a hard-to-understand person to speak into and then have their words translated clearly. It’s basically a voice decoder. This is a great tool, especially for people who are easily frustrated when other people cannot understand what they’re saying. It’s a great SLP strategy for both adults and children that want to be heard. It takes hard to understand words in ANY language and translates it into a person’s REAL VOICE. Potentially, this could improve the quality of life for every single one of those 1.5 percent of people! While this speech therapy app won’t necessarily help the user improve speech, it will give them the confidence to communicate with those around them.

speech therapy app 2

The Name Change

Voiceitt’s website says the revolutionary invention will be able to help people having talking issues related to “(but not limited to) Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), Cerebral Palsy, Stroke, Brain Damage, Autism, Parkinson’s Disease and more.  Individuals who have lived a lifetime frustrated with not being able to communicate verbally to the world soon will be able to rejoice. According to the company:

“Talkitt is not another application or gadget, but a life changing solution.”

And according to the speculated reports, Voiceitt really could be a game-changer in the SLP community. Users of the application would be able to use it in classroom settings, phone conversations, and face-to-face interactions. Additionally, Talkitt was designed for capabilities on tablets, iPhone, computers, and android. Their mission is to allow the same freedoms to be heard from the world for those with speech handicaps as everyone else.

However, Talkitt isn’t available for purchase yet…in fact, they’re not sure even when it will be. In August 2014, the company started a fund in hopes to reach a $40,000 goal under the name Talkitt

As of Oct. 17 2014, the IndieGoGo fund window has closed. Unfortunately, Talkitt only reached $25,235 of it’s $40k goal. As of right now, the newly rebranded Voiceitt release date remains a mystery…at least for now.

If you want to help bring this product into the hands of deserving people everywhere, spread the word! Share their website today and make the dream of speech a reality. Also, if you’re looking for a new SLP career, make sure to check out the thousands of jobs we have available today!

Author: Allied Travel Careers

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