Benefits of Music Therapy | Your Guide to Music Therapy

Benefits of Music Therapy | Your Guide to Music Therapy

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Are you interested in pursuing a career in therapy? You’ll have plenty of options when you begin your journey with AlliedTravelCareers. There are a variety of different specialties in this field, ranging from physical therapy to occupational therapy. But if you’re looking to work with a diverse group of patients, music therapy might be the job for you. Known for its therapeutic effects, music therapy is perfect for people who love helping others. If this sounds like the right fit for you, continue reading about the many benefits of music therapy below.

Benefits of Music Therapy

Benefits of Music Therapy | Your Guide to Music Therapy

So, what exactly is music therapy? Music therapy uses music to help patients solve their emotional, cognitive, and social problems. Due to its abstract nature, music therapy can help patients of all ages and backgrounds. Music therapy is particularly helpful for people suffering from mental illnesses (e.g. depression and anxiety), degenerative diseases (e.g. Parkinson’s Disease and Alzheimer’s Disease), and also stress. The benefits of music therapy range from improving memory to serving as a form of pain management.

There are two types of music therapy: active and passive. The difference between these two forms is the patients’ role in their therapy. For example, active music therapy encourages the patient to take an active role in their sessions. This can be something as simple as having them react to your actions. In contrast, passive music therapy occurs when a patient takes a more passive role during their therapy. An example of this would be having the patient just listen to music.

What are the Uses of Music Therapy?


Music therapy is a great form of therapy for those who are on the autism spectrum. Music helps promotes multisensory stimulation, which helps patients develop their nonverbal and verbal communication skills. As a result, patients are able to strengthen their interpersonal skills by establishing a form of communication and organization through music. Music therapy also creates a safe and relaxing learning environment that helps patients freely express themselves. Music therapists work with their patients by observing their reactions and any emotional and mental growth that occurs as a result of the therapy.

Mental Health 

Music therapy is commonly used for patients suffering from mental health illnesses such as depression and anxiety. This form of therapy provides patients with an environment in which they are free to express themselves. This helps promote relaxation and can boost a patient’s mood significantly.

Cardiovascular Health

In the same way, music therapy serves as a natural form of pain management. This is especially true for patients with cardiovascular health problems. According to a Harvard Health Publications report, research shows that listening to music can help patients recover after heart surgeries. In addition, music therapy also helps patients de-stress, which helps to lower their blood pressure. The psychological effects of music therapy include managing patient anxieties, which also boosts cardiovascular health.

Elderly Health Issues

Seniors are prone to developing diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease. According to a study published by the American Psychosomatic Society, music therapy has the ability to help with symptoms such as depression, amnesia, and sensory loss. For example, singing or playing an instrument helps seniors strengthen their cognitive functions and boost their memory. In the same way, music therapy helps elders improve their memory by revisiting the emotional connections they have with the music. It is scientifically proven that emotions serve as long-lasting memories. So, helping an elderly patient reconnect with their identity may be as simple as playing some of their favorite childhood tunes.

Do you have any questions about the benefits of music therapy? Reach out to us in the comments below!

Author: Allied Travel Careers

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