The Path from PTA to PT ::

The Path from PTA to PT

Attention all physical therapist assistants! Are you thinking about going back to school for physical therapy but confused about which path to take? Don't worry! We have you covered. First things first. It's important to know that just because you are practicing as a PTA does not mean you are one stepping-stone away from getting licensed as a physical therapist.

The educational requirements for these two specialties are very different, so you definitely need a bachelor's degree in order to pursue a PT license. The second thing you should know is that the path from PTA to PT is also extremely competitive. There are very limited spots available in PT educational programs, and you need to have a stellar GPA to get in. However, if you are committed, passionate, and determined, here are the three steps you can take to transition from PTA to PT!

The Path from PTA to PT

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