High Risks and High Demands | Dialysis Techs and COVID-19

High Risks and High Demands | Dialysis Techs and COVID-19

When you step back and take a bird’s eye view of the pandemic, it’s amazing how differently people’s lives are affected. There are young people who are relatively low risk individuals with little worry. Others have office jobs who maybe now have to work from home but are otherwise unaffected. Then there are those who continue to work and go about their lives as if nothing is going on. Some states are on full stay at home order, while...

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Becoming a Respiratory Therapist

Becoming a Respiratory Therapist

As you begin to pursue a healthcare profession, you’ll need to decide which specialty is right for you. Right now, with the onset of COVID-19 in the United States, there are certain professions that are growing at an exponential rate. For example, respiratory therapists are one of them. This is because COVID-19 is a virus that affects the lower respiratory system. Respiratory therapists work with patients of all ages who suffer from...

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PT Presents | Gifts For Physical Therapists

PT Presents | Gifts For Physical Therapists

We know we’re a few weeks out from the holidays, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have to stop giving gifts! There are plenty of occasions where giving a gift is in order. Whether it’s a birthday, marriage, promotion, or a friendly “just because” gift, there’s always a need for gift ideas. This time we’re going to focus on the physical therapist in your life. Whether they’re a coworker, spouse, or friend, physical therapists deserve...

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Will Working Holidays Make You Naughty or Nice?

Will Working Holidays Make You Naughty or Nice?

As a travel health professional, you’re used to putting other people’s needs before your own. You also know that no matter what time of year it is, the hospital lights never shut off! The holidays are meant for spending time with loved ones. However, many patients are unable to spend time with their loved ones and need assistance. You may feel frustrated because your friends have the holidays off and you don’t. If you’ve been working...

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What Allied Health Careers are in Demand?

What Allied Health Careers are in Demand?

We’ve all seen the numbers. The healthcare industry is facing a shortage of workers in countless professions. Yet, some jobs are even more in need than others. Under the broad field of allied health, these disparities in demand are definitely apparent. What allied health careers are in demand? “All of them” is the simple answer. However, nine allied health professions are in high demand and stand out above the others! Find...

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A Basic Overview of Physical Therapy Certifications

A Basic Overview of Physical Therapy Certifications

Physical therapists enjoy great benefits like high salaries and job growth. This is also a very rewarding profession because it gives you the opportunity to help people recover and live healthier lives. However, you may be wondering how you can advance your career more rapidly. Sometimes, this requires more than simply by gaining experience. Perhaps one of the quickest ways to promote your own career growth is to look into gaining...

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