What Does it Take to be a Travel Therapist?

What Does it Take to be a Travel Therapist?

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Do you have the traits of a travel therapist?

Do you have the traits of a travel therapist?

A travel therapist enjoys the unique position of performing meaningful work while visiting exciting destinations all over the U.S. Many types of therapists, including speech therapists, occupational therapists and physical therapists are needed for temporary assignments in a variety of locations. Therapists can learn about travel opportunities at Allied Travel Careers, an online job board created specifically for allied professionals, that connects healthcare professionals with employment recruiters with no fee to the therapist. Credential and experience requirements vary according to the potential employer, but some traits are common to every successful travel therapist.


Most assignments last between 8 and 13 weeks; if a travel therapist wishes to work consistently he must be flexible enough to live away from home for about three months at a time. In many cases a therapist’s family can travel with him, but if he has school-age children or a spouse with a traditional job that might not be possible.


Working as an occupational therapist in the same office for many years does not necessarily mean a person is well suited for travel occupational therapy. Walking into a new work place several times a year requires the ability to adapt to a new routine quickly. A travel therapist must be able to orient herself easily and be effective in a variety of situations.


Licenses, certifications, identification, contracts, travel itineraries and housing forms are just a few of the documents a travel therapist may need to produce as he moves from one assignment to another. Keeping professional and personal belongings in order while essentially living as a tourist takes a high level of organization.

An Outgoing Nature

An extremely bubbling personality isn’t necessary to succeed as a travel therapist, but a professional who doesn’t enjoy meeting new people, learning new things and exploring new destinations is probably not a good fit for travel therapy.

Author: Allied Travel Careers

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