What is a School Psychologist?

What is a School Psychologist?

Whether you are interested in psychology, working with young people, or both, you may consider school psychology as a possible career path. After all, being a school psychologist is a good career move. However, it is possible that you’ve never even heard of school psychology before. In the past, guidance counselors were much more common. Regardless, you may find yourself wondering, what is a school psychologist? While there can...

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Why Occupational Therapy for ADHD?

Why Occupational Therapy for ADHD?

Occupational therapy travel jobs provide such a wide range of opportunities, allowing you to work in new locations and settings all the time! Additionally, you’ll meet patients of all ages and various challenges to overcome. One condition that occupational therapists routinely work to treat is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) — especially in children. The wide-ranging symptoms cause the treatments of this condition to...

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Being a School Psychologist is a Good Career Move

Being a School Psychologist is a Good Career Move

As most in the field will probably tell you, being a school psychologist isn’t an easy career path but it sure is a rewarding one! Everyone has their fair share of difficult days at work, but it seems that these pros deal with difficult situations more often than not. It may seem like there is never enough time in the day to evaluate each student, write their reports, and tweak those behavior plans, but school psychology jobs are...

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Back to School | High School Sports Injuries

Back to School | High School Sports Injuries

The beginning of a new school year is an exciting time for students, their families, and the teachers and administrators who have spent the summer months in preparation for the coming semesters. Students are exposed to new classes and teachers. Teachers get the opportunity to help educate a fresh wave of young people. And high school sports, the most common extracurricular activity, start anew. While all of this is certainly cause for...

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Sensory Processing Disorder: Sensory Play for Kids

Sensory Processing Disorder: Sensory Play for Kids

Imagine having a child who shudders at the sounds of a cabinet closing, or vomits when the car starts. Or having a child who doesn’t notice the dark bark or recoils from the feeling of their clothes. These are symptoms related to having a sensory processing disorder which can be difficult to diagnose. One of the more complex disorders in this world that affects the normal daily routines of children every day. But one way...

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Play Therapy Tips for Children with Autism

Play Therapy Tips for Children with Autism

Why Play Therapy? Play Therapy is a versatile practice that can be exercised in both professional and school settings, but also at home. The toys act as the child’s words, while the play is the child’s language. Through the process, therapists are able to help the child improve communication skills, expression of feelings, sensory processing, and also limit stimming behavior. To imagine how a child with Autism might feel, think about...

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